Election of 2010 Directors & New Member Initiation

  • 30 Nov 2009
  • 5:45 PM
  • The Pearl Street Grill


Registration is closed

Our annual election of directors and holiday party will be held at The Pearl Street Grill on Monday November 30, 2009. The agenda will include an update to the membership on our scholarship fund and a brief meeting of the board of directors. We will conduct an initiation ceremony for new members immediately following dinner. All members are strongly encouraged to attend!

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 5:45 PM - Polls open ~  Free beer & wine

 7:00 PM - Dinner + cash bar

 7:30 PM - Meeting of Board & New Member Initiation

Four (4) Directors to be elected from the following slate:

            1.  Patrick Byrne

            2.  Lee Carlson

            3. James Healy

            4. Leo Nalbach

*All members in good standing are eligible to vote -- you do not need to stay for dinner in order to cast your ballot. Any member who cannot stay for dinner is welcome to vote in the election and enjoy free refreshments.

Please plan to attend!

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Click here to visit the Pearl Street Grill web site

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