Past President's Night

  • 16 Jun 2008
  • 6:00 PM
  • Buffalo Launch Club


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Dinner choice: 7oz filet mignon, XL shrimp rice pilaf, or chicken Marcela. All come with wine, salad, twice-baked potato, veggies, coffee, tea and strawberry shortcake desert.

Registration is closed

Our annual event to honor the men who have served as Sachem (President) of the Scalp & Blade will feature our special guest speaker Frank J. Clark, Erie County District Attorney. We hope that you, your spouse and your guests will join us at the beautiful Buffalo Launch Club located on Grand Island. The BLC is the oldest power boating club in the world (1903) and  offers unique views of the Niagara River.


The District Attorney is Erie County's chief prosecutor, responsible for investigating crime, presenting evidence to the Grand Jury, and implementing the just prosecution of persons indicted for criminal offenses. The District Attorney tries felonies in Erie County and New York Sate Supreme Courts, as well as misdemeanors and non-criminal offenses in the city, town and village courts of Erie County. The Erie County District Attorney's Office handles approximately 45,000 misdemeanor and 2,500 felony matters a year. This office is presently comprised of approximately 95 lawyers and 85 support staff. The Erie County District Attorney's Office is broken up into 11 bureaus to prosecute all different types of crimes.

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