Ben Verrico Memorial College Golf Outing

  • 11 Jul 2008
  • 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Willowbrook Golf Course


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

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Put together a foursome from your college or university and join us on Friday, July 11, 2008 for our annual collegiate golf outing. Your foursome will represent your school in the competition for the 2008 Scalp & Blade championship trophy.


We will tee off at noon on Friday, July 11 at Willowbrook Golf Course located in Lockport, NY. Our package includes a cart, 18 hole greens fee, a small bucket of range balls and lunch with beer or soda at the turn. After golf, enjoy a beer and NY Strip barbeque dinner on the patio. There will also be door prizes, hole contests and a split club drawing.


Hole sponsorships are available: advertize your business with a tee box sign! Call Peter Jelonek at 716-667-2962 for details.


Note: you do not need a foursome to play; we will group singles, etc.

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