St. Patrick's Night Celebration
featuring the
Rince Na Tiarna Irish Dancers
Call your friends and wake the neighbors! We are going to have a grand time at the Buffalo Irish Center on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. We will be entertained by Buffalo's own world class Irish dance company Rince Na Tiarna as directed by Mary Kay Heneghan.

A traditional family style corned beef and cabbage dinner will be served by the Irish Center's own Tom Gang. Every table will receive two pitchers of Harp Beer and two pitchers of Labatt's Blue.
The wee ones may also have a surprise or two up their sleeves...
Our St. Pat's event sold out last year and people were turned away at the door. Don't be disappointed this year -- please reserve online or call the event chairman Patrick Byrne at 716-826-1009 or 716-913-2790 by March 7, 2012.
See you there!
Click here to visit Rince Na Tiarna
Click here to visit the Buffalo Irish Center